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What Is Spiritual Theology?

It is the theology of spiritual growth or theology of maturity.

It is the principles of discipleship. 

It is also known as the theology of sanctification.

It focuses on the foundations, processes, directives, and end of spiritual growth.

What are your principles for helping people grow? Are they biblical? We refer to this set of principles as "spiritual theology". The term spiritual theology is used because discussions of discipleship or sanctification usually skim over directives and in general do not do in-depth study of growth. (Observe the brevity of the discussion of sanctification in your favorite systematic or biblical theology work.) Spiritual theology is an entire field of study all to itself.

Spiritual theology is founded on:


The Supremacy of Scripture

Spiritual theology should be fully grounded in scripture. When a work focuses almost exclusively on scripture then it can be termed "biblical spiritual theology" which is a new field of study. No Christian tradition (e. g. Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox) has done substantial biblical spiritual theology yet. We hope to inspire biblical theologians to pursue this field.


Christian Experience through the Centuries

We observe the fruit in the lives of believers over the centuries. We give weight to spiritual theology that produces the fruit of the Spirit and we dismiss spiritual theology that does not produce the fruit of the Spirit. We learn about the actual application of spiritual theology from the lives of godly people in various times and places. In other words, we gain wisdom about how to live out spiritual theology.


The Great Teachers of the Church

Scripture promises that God will give teachers to the church and so we learn from these teachers. We also learn the range of possible approaches to the study and application of spiritual theology. Some of the great teachers include Basil of Caesarea, Anselm, Augustine, Bernard of Clairvaux, Hugh of St. Victor, Francis of Assisi, John Tauler, Martin Luther, John Calvin, Ignatius of Loyola, Teresa of Avila, John of the Cross, Jonathan Edwards, and John Wesley.

We desperately need to develop and learn biblical spiritual theology. We need to carefully study the biblical foundations for spiritual growth and develop materials for churches to apply this biblical spiritual theology to their discipleship plans. Most plans focus on doctrine and severely neglect the full counsel for the practice of the faith.

Here is a link to our resource page with a short paper (about 10 pages) by the host titled "A Summary of Biblical Spiritual Theology." It is based on his study of scripture over the last few years. We would love your feedback at





  • These are the foundational theological truths for spiritual growth. For example, the truth that we are united with Christ when we are regenerated, or that the Holy Spirit is at work in believers to conform them to the image of Christ. If we compare this to a tree it would be the roots of the tree.



This element defines the traits and phases (or stages) of growth up through the greatest degree of perfection (i.e. maturity) attainable in mortal life. This answers the question “What does Christian growth look like over time?” Examples of traits are the virtues of humility and holiness. Examples of phases are the biblical ideas of “infants” and “mature”. This element is analogous to the different ways a tree appears over time as it matures.




  • This element also includes barriers to growth. Causes (or means) of growth can be grouped into scripture, fellowship, prayer and good works. Causes of growth also includes the roles of the agents involved who are: God, the believer, and others. Closely related to this is the discussion of directives which formulates the ethics and instructions for growth to maturity, including spiritual disciplines. This element is analogous to rain, sun and soil for a tree.
rain on leaf



This describes a Christian’s eternal state in the New Creation including the perfection attained in eternity and the glory God will give his people. This also explains the ultimate meaning and purpose of human existence. This also describes individualized rewards for believers are also explained. 

redwood tree

When Do You Use Spiritual Theology?

Answer: "Anytime you try to help someone grow spiritually."

SPIRITUAL DIRECTION/COACHING: What do you believe will help your client grow spiritually? Your beliefs are your spiritual theology! Are they grounded in scripture? Are you omitting accountability, individualized teaching, or questioning about ungodliness? These are all part of spiritual direction in the New Testament.

TEACHING: Why do you think your teaching will produce spiritual growth? This question will help you identify your spiritual theology. Are you teaching the key scriptural instructions for spiritual growth? Are you being soft on purification? (Scripture isn't.) Are you giving your students the same focus on final destiny that we find in scripture?  

DISCIPLESHIP PLANNERS, PARACHURCH MINISTERS, CHRISTIAN AUTHORS, BIBLICAL COMMENTATORS, and THEOLOGIANS all need good spiritual theology if they are going to edify believers. 

We hope you will look at our free resources and consider learning more about biblical spiritual theology. We also hope you will learn by subscribing to our weekly posts.

Believe it or not most discipleship materials devote less than a quarter of their discussion to practicing the faith. After years of this have are we now reaping what we have sown? Please be serious about developing biblical discipleship for biblical growth. It is not rocket science - you can do it!

If you know anyone who cares about discipleship and spiritual growth please share this with them.

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