Quality Conversations – Imitation of Christ Chapter Ten

Avoid the tumultuous talk of the world. A lot of talk about worldly things becomes a hindrance. Even when such talk is innocent it puts our focus on trivial matters. How often we regret worldly things we said. Sometimes we talk about pointless things just because we want to have some friendly interaction. But a friendship is more rewarding if we talk about good or useful things. Otherwise, the conversation leaves us feeling empty afterwards. “Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt” Colossians 4:6 (NIV) Try to speak words that edify. Don’t just talk about the usual things people talk about. Try to find spiritual friends who want to talk about spiritual things, though not in a false religious way. Spiritual conversation is a treasured aid to growth. Remember that we must depend on God’s friendship first so we don’t try to find in others what we Continue Reading →

Weekly Word Of Encouragement – We Will See Him

“For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face.” I Cor. 13:12 (NIV) When Mt. St. Helens erupted in 1980 I heard that I could see the plumes of smokes and ash if I looked to the south. But I didn’t just sit contently in my living room. I wanted to see it for myself. I went outside and sure enough I could the huge dark plume over 100 miles away. It was incredible to know that an explosion the size of a nuclear bomb had disintegrated the peak of a mountain – and I could see it with my own eyes. Seeing it made it more real, even though I believed it was there whether I saw it or not. Likewise, we see reflections of Jesus now, but one day we will see face to face. And that will be the greatest Continue Reading →

Our Motives In Relationships – Imitation of Christ Chapter Eight

You should love all people, but don’t share your heart with just anyone. Rather, open up to someone who is wise and godly. Don’t try to better yourself by making friends with important people, rather make friends with the humble and devout. And edify others when you speak. Guard yourself against improper romantic entanglements. Instead, direct everyone to God. He is your primary friend. Avoid any attempt to exalt yourself before others. Others are often not what they seem, nor are we. Thus it is unwise to try to impress others. “make friends with the humble and devout” We might hear that someone is wonderful and think that we should endear ourselves to them. But when we meet them we realize they lack much virtue. On the other hand, we might think others will be impressed by our virtues but they are disappointed when they meet us. Hence, self promotion Continue Reading →

Weekly Word Of Encouragement – Everyone Gets To Play

“A spiritual gift is given to each of us so we can help each other.” I Cor 12:7 (NLT) How fantastic is this? Everyone in the Lord has a spiritual gift that allows them to help others. This is one of the great leveling passages in scripture. Wealth, status, title and influence do not help someone be more gifted. The believer who has none of these has a gift, just as the most prominent believer does. Furthermore, the privileged need the gifts of the less privileged. The strong need the weak, and the successful need the struggling. So always be encouraged that you have a gift, or several gifts, that help others. God does not play favorites – the last shall be first. You are greatly valued by God. P.S. Leaders can multiply the ministry in their fellowships just by making it a top priority to discover spiritual gifts and deploying Continue Reading →