Righteousness Brings Life – Weekly Words Of Encouragement

The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life Proverbs 11:30 (NIV) Trusting Christ and following him transforms us into the righteous people God intended us to be. And what is the fruit of that? What are the consequences? Life. In fact, the fruit is an entire tree, which also produces fruit. Our righteousness brings life to ourselves and to others. True life consists of friendship with God, peace, harmony, joy, truth, fruitfulness and eternal happiness. This is what we reap for ourselves and what we bring to those around us. Consider how it gives you life when you are around someone who radiates these qualities. Does it not cheer you up, encourage you, make you feel cared for, and affirm your commitment to good? Likewise, we do the same for others when our righteousness shines upon them. And this encourages us deeply because we see how God uses Continue Reading →

Learning Deep Humility

Humility is the attitude of the heart that reflects who we are in comparison to God. It takes a lifetime to learn deep humility, but every step we take is valuable. One who is humble is not interested in boosting others’ opinions of them. They are willing to be vulnerable and acknowledge their dependence on others. They are teachable so they welcome suggestions and corrections from others. They are not bothered by criticism presented with a harsh voice; they look for the truth in the criticism and overlook any lack of love. They want to be known for who they really are and will not indulge in boasting or false humility because they value honest relationships. The humble learn to embrace times when they are neglected, forgotten, rejected or wrongfully accused as opportunities to learn more humility and faith. They learn when it is wise to speak up about an Continue Reading →

Free From The Power Of Destructive Desires – Weekly Words Of Encouragement

The righteousness of the upright delivers them,but the unfaithful are trapped by evil desires. Proverbs 11:6 (ESV) Sometimes we forget how blessed we are to be free of a sinful life. We no longer allow our evil and selfish desires to guide us; instead, we crucify them. We know that our old desires only damage and neutralize us; they do not lead to life. Jesus gave us his righteousness and the Father put a new self inside us so now we have desires for God and godliness. Consider how many dangers we have avoided by following the path of righteousness. Consider how many temptations we have resisted that could have harmed us. Even if we sometimes fall, we are free from the power of destructive desires; we can walk in the power of the Spirit and defeat our old desires. But those who have rejected Christ and chosen to be Continue Reading →

Living In God’s Reality

Ultimately, truth should not be conceived of as a set of propositions, but rather as the reality of who God is, who Jesus is and what they created. Truth radiates from their nature, but the rays are not the ultimate truth; the nature of their divinity is the truth. Honesty is the virtue of living in God’s reality and his rays of truth. Dishonesty is particularly offensive to God. Colossians 3:9 instructs us: “Do not lie to one another, seeing that you have put off the old self” (ESV). In 1 Timothy 4:2 some will depart from the faith because of the “insincerity of liars” (ESV). In John 8:44 the devil is “the father of lies” (ESV). In Revelation 21:8 liars are “consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur” (NIV). Honesty may seem like a basic virtue that even young Christians should be able to master in a short Continue Reading →

God Delights In Us – Weekly Words Of Encouragement

He delights in those whose ways are blameless. Proverbs 11:20 (NIV) We all hope God delights in us. We want to know that our lives please him; that he is proud of us. Just like we wanted to know our earthly father approved us, even more, we want to know that our heavenly Father approves us. We know that he loves us, but there is also the issue of whether he is pleased with us, that he delights in us. This passage encourages us affirming that he does delight in us when we are blameless. Not that we have to be perfect in every detail, but that we avoid intentional sin, and choose to do good to others. If we are living an upright life, then we know that the God who made heaven and earth delights in us. To think that God delights in us seems too good to Continue Reading →