The Kingdom Has Come – Weekly Words Of Encouragement

“But if it is by the finger of God that I cast out demons, then the kingdom of God has come upon you.” Luke 11:20 (ESV) When God promised his coming kingdom in the Old Testament he promised deliverance from enemies. Now Jesus is casting out demons, demonstrating the power of God and delivering people from the Enemy of all enemies. And then he makes the most astonishing declaration that a Jew could make: the kingdom of God has come. Devout Jews had waited hundreds of years for the coming of God’s perfect kingdom. Jesus was saying that it had arrived! This was so monumental that it is hard to know what the people thought. We know that Jesus only began the inauguration of the kingdom and it wouldn’t be completed until he left and returned again. But the fact remains that the kingdom of God has come upon us. Continue Reading →

Practical Tips For Deeper Humility

This is our third post on the topic of humility. We began with the challenge of humility then looked at the humility of Francis of Assisi. I thought that it would be helpful to list some of the traits of deeper humility mentioned by two great Christian teachers. The first list is from John of the Cross (b. 1542 – d. 1591) who observed: They think everyone else is far better than they are… Their good deeds and the gratification they receive from them only cause them to be more aware of their debt to God and the inadequacy of their service to him… These souls humbly and tranquilly long to be taught by anyone who might be a help to them. They rejoice when others receive praise… These souls would give their life’s blood to anyone who serves God… When they see themselves fall into imperfections, they suffer this Continue Reading →

God Honors Our Diligence – Weekly Words Of Encouragement

“So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” Luke 11:9 (NIV) Jesus is trying to tell us that the Father wants to give us good things. But he also wants us to ask, seek and knock. Why does he want us to pursue our requests like this if he already knows what we need? One reason is that he is waiting for us to acknowledge our need and our dependence on him. If he just gave us our desires without us asking we would not learn this dependence. Also, there are spiritual barriers in the spiritual realm that we do not understand and our prayers have the power to break through barriers. It is part of the dignity and authority that God has given to humans. Therefore, we are to diligently Continue Reading →

The Unusually Humble Words of Francis of Assissi

Previously, we described the challenge of humility. On this day when we remember the crucifixion of Jesus and his deep humility, it might be helpful to remember someone who strove to imitate Christ’s humility. Francis of Assissi (b.1182 – d.1246) was founder of the Franciscan movement that swept across Europe in the 13th century. Francis left behind his family wealth after a dream from God and encounters with God that filled him with love and convinced him to follow the way of poverty. He began to minister to the poor and at one point he went to a local lepers’ house and asked forgiveness for despising them, gave them all some money and kissed each one on the mouth. Later, he spent two years nursing lepers and living in poverty. Many people in the town thought he was mad and they mocked and ridiculed him. Soon others began following him Continue Reading →

The Children See The Kingdom – Weekly Words Of Encouragement

“At that time Jesus, full of joy through the Holy Spirit, said, “I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children. Yes, Father, for this is what you were pleased to do. ” Luke 10:21 (NIV). This is one of my favorite verses. First, notice that Jesus was full of joy. During Easter week we think a lot about Jesus’ suffering. But we need to remember that Jesus also experienced great joy and this joy was due first to the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. And in this particular passage the 72 ministers Jesus had sent out had returned with news about the miracles and exorcisms God had done through them. And so Jesus rejoices because all these people got to see the kingdom of God! The Jews had waited for centuries for Continue Reading →