The Biblical Five-Level Maturity Model – Part 1

Understanding stages of growth is important for many reasons. Quoting from one of our earlier posts on stages of growth which emphasized the stages of our experience of God’s felt grace: Understanding progressions of our growth helps us to know where we are and where we are going. It also helps us to be okay with where we are and not dislike ourselves for not being more mature. Understanding phases also teaches us what thoughts and feelings are normal for our situation and what teachings and practices are best for our situation. It also helps us to remain pliable in the Potter’s hand in whatever phase we are in and not struggle to circumvent any painful shaping he is doing. Understanding phases also helps us to be more understanding and helpful to others who are in different phases. Often well-meaning Christians will give advice that is designed to get someone Continue Reading →

Our Light, Our Rescuer, Our Protector – Weekly Words Of Encouragement

The Lord is my light and my salvation —whom shall I fear?The Lord is the stronghold of my life—of whom shall I be afraid? Psalms 27:1 (NIV) This passage is a reminder that Yahweh is our light, our rescuer and the protector of our lives. His light enables us to see what is true and what is good. On our own we would just stumble. And he saves us, he rescues us, from ourselves and from everything that tries to steal our happiness. Finally, he is our protector, our fortress against attackers who slander us and damage our lives. Nothing can separate us from his love. And since he too is Lord, Jesus is also the one who is our light. He is the light of the world (John 8:12). He is also our salvation because he is the door to salvation (John 10:9). Remember that salvation includes our future Continue Reading →

What Is The Difference Between The Old And New Covenants In Our Lives?

Understanding the differences between the Old and New Covenants helps us to grasp our roles on earth as we follow Jesus. There is a big difference between what God wanted his people to hope for in this life under the Old Covenant and what he wants us to hope for in this life under the New Covenant, which was established by the blood of Jesus on the Cross. As you read through the following list consider how it influences your life. New: forgiveness of sins and reconciliation with God through the blood of Christ (vs Old: temporary forgiveness of sins through sacrifices at the temple.) New: God’s people not associated with any specific nation or ethnic group (vs Old: God’s people were part of the nation of Israel and the Jews; the Jews were evicted from Palestine in the early 2nd century.) New: No specific location of God’s abiding presence Continue Reading →