Kingdom Attitudes Towards African-Americans.

American slavery was one of the most dehumanizing brands of slavery in the modern world. English revivalist John Wesley said it was the worst form of slavery that he was aware of after he visited America. This realization eventually generated a strong opposition to slavery by Christians in the northern U.S. After an unbelievably bloody civil war, the slaves were set free and African Americans very quickly became more prosperous in the South and gained positions of influence. Alarmed by this, influential whites in the South began to pass laws to discriminate against African-Americans. These laws came to be known as the Jim Crow laws. They persisted through the 1960’s and their impact is still felt. Obviously, as Christians we are horrified by the way African-Americans have been treated. This has resulted in substantial economic disadvantage. The Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis provides statistics for this and the Washington Post Continue Reading →

Our Obligation To Address Inequality In Our Nation

Even though some people have reacted to George Floyd’s death with criminal acts, and even though some groups have taken advantage of the protests with unethical tactics to further their own cause, the fact remains that economic and racial inequality in America is a disastrous problem. Last February Pew Research released some statistics on economic inequality in America. The findings are here. They reported that the share of all income in America earned by the top 20% of the highest earning families went from 43% in 1968 to 52% in 2018. The share of the highest earning 5% went from 16% to 23%. These numbers represent a substantial increase in the concentration of wealth in the upper class. Meanwhile, the share of income earned by all four of the lower 20% segments of earners declined. The same February report from Pew Research also found: “From 1970 to 2018, the median Continue Reading →

What Is The Difference Between The Old And New Covenants In Our Lives?

Understanding the differences between the Old and New Covenants helps us to grasp our roles on earth as we follow Jesus. There is a big difference between what God wanted his people to hope for in this life under the Old Covenant and what he wants us to hope for in this life under the New Covenant, which was established by the blood of Jesus on the Cross. As you read through the following list consider how it influences your life. New: forgiveness of sins and reconciliation with God through the blood of Christ (vs Old: temporary forgiveness of sins through sacrifices at the temple.) New: God’s people not associated with any specific nation or ethnic group (vs Old: God’s people were part of the nation of Israel and the Jews; the Jews were evicted from Palestine in the early 2nd century.) New: No specific location of God’s abiding presence Continue Reading →

When Society Is In Turmoil

COVID-19 has plunged much of the world into turmoil. People are fearing for their lives, for their loved ones and for their financial situation. It feels like the 9/11 disaster happening over a 30-day period. The world is not going to be the same for a while. How does a follower of Jesus walk through this? Perhaps it would be good to begin with prayer. If we haven’t been keeping our focus on God then this is a good time to recommit to that. Let’s turn to God first and talk with him. Let this time lead you to more dependence on, and interaction with, God. And let our prayers be from the heart. In other words, let’s express what we are really feeling, not what we would express if we were already perfectly Christformed. The Psalms are a great guide to honestly pouring out our heart to God so Continue Reading →

How Should We Pursue Social Justice?

All believers agree that Jesus calls us to help the needy and to be a positive influence on our society. However, believers disagree over the ways in which Christians should get involved in society. This post reflects on biblical principles related to our call to influence our society. Some believers mostly withdraw from society and believe that this is the Scriptural approach. They do not pursue the transformation of structural injustice in their society. One reason these people take this approach is that directives for organized political involvement are conspicuous by their absence in the New Testament as compared to the Old Testament. In the Old Testament God constantly challenged Jewish political leaders and the wealthy to form a just society, including laws to relieve human suffering. But there are no clear instructions to Christians in the New Testament to gain political influence and reform unjust systems. Of course, this Continue Reading →