Smartphone Overuse & Addiction

One of the marks of Christian maturity is an awareness of one’s destructive habits and the commitment to overcoming them. In this age we have many opportunities to develop bad habits, some of which don’t seem so bad because they just consume time. But in everything we do it is important to ask ourselves if we are abiding in Christ and walking in the Spirit. In other words, is this habit compatible with following Jesus? Is it healthy for our souls? Smartphone overuse has become a very common habit that harms our spiritual growth and interferes with our participation in the goodness of God. Addiction is a word that is probably overused so I do not know if constantly using one’s smartphone is always an addiction or just a harmful habit. But the general idea of an addiction is that it interferes with a normal healthy life. It is certainly Continue Reading →

We Will Have True Life One Day

After Jesus returns, God will create “a new heaven and a new earth” (Rev. 21:1, ESV). This New Earth is the consummation of the kingdom of God that Jesus brought to earth. This is what we now desire more than anything and the goal toward which God has been guiding his people for the entire history of humanity. God will flood his people with blessing so that they will fully delight in their God and in his creation, especially his people. We will prosper in a kingdom of people who are fully Christlike and fully able to form mutually edifying friendships. As fellow heirs with Christ (Rom. 8:17), the Father will direct us to “take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world” (Matt. 25:34, NIV). How astonishing to think that God views us as his children and he made a kingdom for us to Continue Reading →

Humbly Receiving From Others

When we respond to others, it helps to be mindful of how we like to be treated after we say something; usually our strongest desire is for others to give weight to our words. Likewise, when others speak we can honor them by giving weight to their words in our response. We deem their words important and we let those words influence us when appropriate. This shows that we value them and indirectly shows that God values them since Christ’s character is presumably flowing through us. More specifically, if they are offering comfort or help to us, then we are to receive it with humility. This shows them that we value what they are giving, and it affirms that we value our relationship with them. Consider how you feel when you try to help someone and they will not receive it; it feels like you hit a wall. Therefore, it Continue Reading →

Do Your Words Edify Others?

It seems like God gave us a superpower when he gave us the gift of speech; he gave us some of his power. God used words to create the universe, including humans and the Garden of Eden. He used words to reveal himself in Scripture and his Son is the living Word of God. Since he made humans in his image, God also gave humans the ability to exercise power through words. But with this great gift comes great responsibility. Jesus warned us: “But I tell you that everyone will have to give account on the day of judgment for every empty word they have spoken. For by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned” (Matt. 12:36-37, NIV). Why such a dire warning?  Because God so tremendously loves the humans he has made and he doesn’t want us harming them with words. Jesus Continue Reading →

Does God Promise Us Prosperity?

Sadly, many ministers all around the world today teach that God promises prosperity to all faithful followers and that believers should freely seek, and expect to acquire, wealth beyond their needs. This teaching appeals to the “lust of the eyes” (1 John 2:16), in other words, the materialism of the old self. The teachers often add that our tithing will lead God to bless us financially. We refer to these teachings as the “prosperity gospel”. The prosperity gospel has never been considered orthodox in Christian history; it would have been summarily rejected by all the great Christian teachers of the past. This includes the pioneers of Pentecostalism. Much of prosperity teaching relies on the Old Testament, which as we saw in our previous post on wealth is not legitimate because the New Testament teaches a new approach to wealth. Do we want to live under the old covenant? Do we Continue Reading →