Believing In God’s Goodness – Weekly Words Of Encouragement

Oh give thanks to the LORD, for he is good,
for his steadfast love endures forever!

Psalms 107:1 (ESV)

Consider how we are sometimes afraid of surrendering things to the Lord, or afraid of obeying him in a difficult situation. Why are we afraid or resistant? Usually, a part of us thinks that this will cause us pain. Going deeper, we may think that the benefits will not outweigh the pain.

If we really believed that what God was doing was good, and not harmful, then wouldn’t we let go of our fear? Would we have any fear at all? Isn’t it always good to surrender and obey? Is there any question that the good will outweigh the temporary pain? Yet, it can be very difficult to get our hearts to fully embrace God’s goodness. We may believe the doctrine of the goodness of God, but our hearts still resist surrendering because they are not fully convinced.

This is why it is important to meditate on the goodness of God. We need to let it sink in. And we need to meditate on how much we believe in his goodness. Why do we hesitate? Why do we doubt? What are the barriers? We can speak to our heart and instruct it to let go of the past and wade deeper into the goodness of God, knowing that we will experience this goodness in our lives if we believe and surrender ourselves fully.

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