Feasting And Drinking With God – Weekly Words Of Encouragement

“People take refuge in the shadow of your wings.
They feast on the abundance of your house;
you give them drink from your river of delights.”

Psalms 36:7-8 (NIV)

The ones who trust and love God are the ones who take refuge under his wings. We have placed ourselves inside him, relying on him for our life and for the protection and blessing of our souls. And since God is a loving father who wants to give joy and satisfaction to his children he rewards our faith and love with gifts from his personal possessions.

He presents us with a feast of truth, and peace, and friendship. His Scripture is like honey on our tongues. His Son is the bread of life, who nourishes us with his goodness and restores the image of God in us. We partake of his nature. We eat his body in remembrance of him and abide in his new covenant.

And we drink from a river of delight that flows through us like a river of living water. We drink his blood given for the forgiveness of our sins. When we abide in him we will not thirst, except for more of him.

God’s blessings for us in this life are often interior; our circumstances may not be pleasurable. But the tastes we have now are a foretaste of the perfect community of love with him and his followers, where we will dwell in the bliss of eating and drinking from him forever.

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