God’s Love For Us Is Everlasting – Weekly Words Of Encouragement

But from everlasting to everlasting
the LORD’s love is with those who fear him.

Psalms 103:17 (NIV)

How long is forever? That’s how long Yahweh will love us. And he has loved us ever since he conceived us in his mind, for his love is also from everlasting history. If we fear and honor him for who he is – and why wouldn’t we? – then he will never stop loving us. He will bring us to a good end and we will live with him and his people in perfect harmony forever.

It is important to ask ourselves how much we believe that God loves us. One way to do this is to repeat some of his declarations about his love for us and then take note of how our mind and heart respond. Are we able to fully believe his words in our heart or is there some doubt or resistance? Once we find some hesitation then we can take time to ask ourselves why this might be and work through the root issue. For example, try saying the above verse and put your name in it. Or, try saying the following words to yourself and be aware of how your heart responds:

God’s love for me is boundless. 
He created me so that he could shower his love on me 
And fill me with joy.

What happened inside you when you said these words? Take time to choose to believe them in your heart. This will help anchor you in God’s love.

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