Having A Good Name With God – Weekly Words Of Encouragement

Let love and faithfulness never leave you;
bind them around your neck,
write them on the tablet of your heart.
Then you will win favor and a good name
in the sight of God and man.

Proverbs 3:3-4 (NIV)

How good is it to have a good name with God? Imagine God thinking about you and saying to himself, [Your Name] is good, I can rely on him/her to do good when I put them in situations. Then imagine God giving you favor and deciding to give you extra blessings. This is what God wants to do for you. He has probably already done this; he wants to do more.

What is our responsibility in this dynamic? Love and faithfulness. He wants us to learn to love others, love him and be faithful, or consistent in our godliness. We do not have to be perfect, just consistently growing in our love and holiness. We are to wear them around our neck like a chain that becomes part of our appearance. We are to embed them into our hearts so that we never forget who we follow and imitate. Love and faithfulness are the bedrock of our connection with God and the door to allowing him to restore his image in us.

Have you committed your heart to love and faithfulness toward God, so that they influence everything that you do? If you are doing this, can you receive God’s encouragement that you have favor and a good name with him?

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