Seek The Kingdom Of God First

After inaugurating the kingdom with Jesus’ first coming he would allow sufficient time for us to spread the good news of the kingdom throughout the earth (Acts 1:8). If Jesus had returned in the first century, then his message would not have reached the whole earth. Therefore, God would guide history according to his hidden plan until the time when the Son would come to earth a second time to complete the establishment of God’s kingdom. We describe our present time as the time when the kingdom is already here but not yet fulfilled. We are in the “already/not yet”. Since it is here, we seek the kingdom of God first in all things.

Even though the kingdom is not yet fulfilled, we do not wait passively for Jesus’ return. He promoted and equipped his people to spread the lifestyle of the kingdom of God. We can do this because God has restored his image in us so we are siblings of Jesus (Rom. 8:29; Heb. 2:11). Therefore, we are co-heirs with Christ of the kingdom that God is bequeathing to humans! If Jesus is an heir then we are heirs. We “share in Christ” (Heb. 3:14) and access the resources of his kingdom. So being Jesus’ siblings means that our congregations can follow in the footsteps of our Big Brother. He gives us authority to emulate his virtues and works. We have the Holy Spirit and Spiritual gifts to empower us to invade the kingdom of darkness and conquer human hearts with the kingdom of God.

This is the time when we partner with God to sow his words and grow into the image of Christ. This fulfills God’s original plan for humanity and keeps us moving in the direction of the New Eden which will surpass the first Eden in glory and bliss. We begin to fulfill all the promises of the coming of the kingdom of God. Now that he has gathered his soldiers, Christ is leading his people in the offensive to restore God’s image and kingdom to the earth.

Following is a meditation to motivate you to seek the kingdom of God first in everything.

  1. Absorb Scripture. Read Matthew 6:33: “Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness.” (ESV). Imagine Jesus standing in front of you speaking these words to you; how does this affect you? How does it relate to loving God? Ruminate on it, understand it and let it sink in.
  2. Truth Commitment. Consider the truths in Matthew 6:25-34, which support Matthew 6:33. Invite God to reveal your heart then ask yourself: Are there truths there that I haven’t fully embraced that will help me obey Matthew 6:33? If so, ask yourself: Why haven’t I been fully embracing those truths? 
  3. Virtue & Action Commitment. Invite God to reveal your heart then ask yourself: To what extent am I pursuing the directive in this passage? If you are not fully embracing it, ask yourself: What is the root of my lack in this area? How do I deal with that root issue? Tell God what changes you are committed to making and ask him for help.
  4. Reception (Contemplation.) Ask God to show you anything that you have not fully embraced as well as anything else he desires to show you. Sit with God with a quiet and open heart for at least 60 seconds.

Is there an area of your life where you are not seeking the kingdom of God first? What will you change?

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