Why Do Christians Have Dry Times or Dark Nights?

The last two posts looked at stages of growth, both repeating and non-repeating. One of the stages we mentioned was dark nights, which is the topic of this post. This may apply to you or it might help you guide someone else through a dark time, so this should equip you to be a better servant for the Body of Christ. Most Christians go through one or more periods in their life when God seems absent. We use different terms for this such as dryness, dark night, desolation, desert time, or wilderness time. Even great Christians in history we admire go through such times. For example, Martin Luther, C.S. Lewis, Mother Teresa, and Oswald Chambers. Bruce Demarest mentions the last three in his book Seasons of the Soul, which I highly recommend, beginning on p. 84. He also discusses desolation in general which is very helpful. (There is a link to Continue Reading →

What Stage of Growth Are You In?

Many have found it very helpful to understand the different stages of growth that Christians go through. Here are some of the reasons we might find it helpful: Understand where we are spiritually and where we need to go. Realize it is ok to be where we are; it is normal and others are there too. Know what experiences, emotions, and thoughts are normal for your situation. Know what attitudes, scripture, and practices are best for your situation. Not resist or escape the stage we are in, but rather let God flow. Not become overly attached to the stage we are in. Realize that we are not in or out of the “good Christian” box. Rather, are we staying on the road to maturity. This helps avoid legalism. Understand how to guide others who want to grow. Be more understanding of what others may have been through, or are going through Continue Reading →

Classic Practices for Spiritual Growth

One of my hobbies is reading the history of Christian spirituality back to the 2nd century. This led me to collect a list of the most common practices for spiritual growth. Following is a collection of practices based on scripture that believers have used for centuries to open to God and grow spiritually. These are many of the most common practices used across many cultures and times. If you truly want to grow then begin to incorporate these into your life. (Hint: The second one may be the most helpful!) Meditation on scripture. I.e., ruminate, reflect. For example, Divine Reading (Lectio Divina): Read out loud, meditate, pray, be still and receptive. Have a spiritual director. Celtic proverb: “A [Christian] without a soul-friend is like a body without a head.” Self examination. Examine each dimension of your life for sin, weakness, lack of transformation. Fasting. Develop self-control and mastery over your Continue Reading →

What are spiritual theology and spiritual formation and why are they essential to following Jesus?

Spiritual theology and spiritual formation compared. Do you know how to grow? We will look at the definition of spiritual theology and spiritual formation, and why they are important to anyone who wants to become like Jesus and be closer to God in Christ. Then we will look at six elements of your growth so you can focus on these in prayer, scripture reading and fellowship. Then we will mention some resources for you. What is the definition of spiritual formation? Spiritual formation is the process of becoming what God intended us to be, in Christ. In other words it is recovering the fullness of the broken image of God inside us, as well as reunion with God. Since Christ is the perfect example of what a completely restored human looks like, spiritual formation is focused on being “Christformed”. Biblical spiritual formation focuses on what the Bible teaches about spiritual Continue Reading →