True Safety – Weekly Words Of Encouragement

Fear of man will prove to be a snare,
but whoever trusts in the Lord is kept safe.

Proverbs 29:25 (NIV)

The desire to be safe and secure is a very fundamental and powerful human drive. We make many of our decisions based on what we think will give us true safety. This can lead to many faults. We depend on ourselves and we “fear” others and depend on them for our ultimate safety.

But humans do not have the power to keep themselves safe. We cannot control what others do, we cannot control circumstances and we cannot control the evil one. Only the one who trusts in the Lord is safe. He may be invisible, and more difficult to trust, but his infinite power and invisible presence are the traits that make him the one to depend on. We want good health, and God is the ultimate healer. We want provisions for living, and God is the ultimate provider. We want to protection from harmful leaders, and God is the one who can answer our prayers and make someone do God’s will.

Yet God still allows us to suffer and so we might not feel safe. But God keeps our souls safe, which is the most important safety we can have in this age. In the next age, we will have safety in every part of our lives, and for now he keeps our hearts safe with peace and love. Who else can have true safety except the followers of Yahweh? Everyone else’s safety is an illusion that will not last. Our safety is eternal and blessed.

How much do you think of yourself as safe in the Lord?

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