You Are Valuable To God – Weekly Words Of Encouragement

“Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father’s care. And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.” Matt. 10:29-31 (NIV). You are valuable to God!

Jesus spoke these words after he sent his twelve disciples out to announce the coming of the kingdom of God. He said they would be persecuted and some believers would be killed. But he also said they should not fear the killers because God is the one who preserves the soul. Then he said these words that even a sparrow doesn’t die outside the Father’s care. Sadly, yesterday a sparrow flew into my window and died. I was hurt, but I have the comfort that God maintains his care for that sparrow! Perhaps he will resurrect that sparrow and many other animals in order to populate his coming New Earth.

Sparrows die and people suffer and die, but God always cares about creation and his people. If he does not stop caring for a sparrow, he will not stop caring for you because you are valuable to God. He is there and he will preserve your soul regardless of the suffering. He doesn’t promise to protect you from suffering, but he promises something much more valuable: that he will care for you soul and will bring you into a life of eternal happiness with him and his people.

How much do you believe that you are valuable to God and always within his care? Even when bad things happen? Ask yourself what your heart really believes and choose to fully embrace his constant care for you.

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