You Can Be A Peacemaker Like Your Father – Weekly Words Of Encouragement

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God” (Matt. 5:9 NIV). God promises to bless those who choose to be a peacemaker in the world. Making peace, in other words, reconciliation is one of God’s primary missions. His original plan for people was that they would all join together in harmony and mutual edification. Sadly, our sphere of influence is full of people who do not pursue this peace. People hold grudges, say hurtful words, ignore people they don’t like and look for ways to get back at people. Thus, many people lack peace with God, with each other and with themselves.

God’s followers are called to be aware of this discord and make a positive effort to bring reconciliation. This is not easy work. It requires talking with people who may not want to come to peace. They might argue and resist and even fight. To be a peacemaker, our role is to be patient, listen, understand where they are coming from and then point them in the direction of reconciliation. Then we can walk with them one step at a time. If they are willing then we will actually bring them to peace. The encouragement from God is that we will be called a child of God, in other words, we will be like our Father. What greater honor can we attain than God’s declaration that we are being like him?

What relationship in your sphere of influence is an opportunity to be a peacemaker? What can you do about it?

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